Cash is King

When it comes to businesses, everybody has heard “Cash is King.” The same is equally true for individuals & households.

And as a Financial Adviser, the most important starting point for any individual/household/family is cashflow & budgeting.

I strongly believe that if you can improve a client’s cashflow & make it easier to manage, then the other areas of Financial Planning such as debt reduction, investment, insurances & super can be better managed.

Most people can do better if they know what to do; so all generations can benefit from Cashflow Management; from

Generation Y – for saving for their first home or investment property,
Generation X – running their household & looking towards & taking steps for retirement planning, to
Baby Boomers – knowing they have enough money for their retirement & ensuring they don’t outlive their savings/super.

Having visibility & control of your spending will give you peace of mind – for example, knowing that when a large bill comes in, there is money there – and not having to wait until your next pay cheque.

Furthermore, having control of your spending will help you achieve what is really important to you; from saving for a home, paying off your mortgage before you retire, educating your children, saving for a holiday and saving for your retirement.

But one thing we can guarantee is that everyone’s circumstances will change over time – and these changes can be better managed if your cashflow is known & under control.


Think of us as personal trainers for your money.

Making changes to your cashflow requires buy in & commitment from you.

Similarly with a personal trainer, if you do not have buy in & commitment, you will not get the results you are looking for.

We may challenge you. We are proactive. We are there with you for the journey to financial fitness.

We will…

Provide you with a simple to use but effective tool (app) which will give you visibility of your spending.
Establish the right bank account structures to give you visibility to simplify your spending & saving goals.

Provide structure and visibility so you will have confidence you have monies to pay your bills when they are due.

Incorporate an easy to follow system to understand your committed spending vs your discretionary spending vs your surplus savings.