Superannuation Advice

Your super should form one of the biggest investments you’ll make in your lifetime. Therefore, you should take steps to ensure that it is being managed properly.

Many people are indifferent to their super with some not even knowing where their super is, what it is invested in, or how it is performing.

We appreciate that for some, retirement may seem a long way away; however, we will work with clients to ensure they understand their super and appreciate the long-term advantages of regular employer contributions and compounding interest and ensure that their super is most appropriately optimised for their financial situation.

Superannuation should form a fundamental part of your overall financial plan; therefore, it is in your best interest to ensure that it is achieving the goals you want to achieve.

Australian Empty Nesters

Why Should I Merge My Super Funds?

Around four million Australians hold two or more super accounts1? That means we’re collectively paying around $690 million pa in excess administration fees2.

Combining your super funds into one fund will help safeguard your super and ensure that your super is working most appropriately for you.

Merging your super funds has a number of benefits:

Cutting down on the fees associated with managing multiple accounts, which may greatly increase your balance over time

Ensuring that you have the maximum amount of investment power possible

Increasing your returns by utilising the power of compound interest

Making managing and tracking your super easier

Superannuation consolidation can be difficult and complicated as to which fund to choose and you can lose valuable insurance cover which may be needed in the future.

We are professionals & can assist you in making an informed decision as to the most appropriate way to move forward.

Life isn’t linear and one thing we can guarantee is change. We are available to meet these changes and adjust your plan as required to remain on the path to success.

Source: ATO Lost and unclaimed super as at 30 June 2020.

Productivity Commission 2018, Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency and Competitiveness, Report no. 91, Canberra.


Our Investing Process

To ensure the long-term sustainability of your portfolio, our wealth management strategies are underpinned by our CARE® Investment Philosophy.

CARE combines good investor behaviour with smart, extensive, research-based decision making

We will create a holistic and personalised strategy that is right for you.

What does CARE® stand for?
  • Core Investments (40%-100% portfolio depending on risk profile)
  • Active Investment (0%-20% portfolio depending on risk profile)
  • Reserves (Retirees – up to 4 years’ worth of spending/Working Income Protection and Emergency Fund)
  • Enhanced Returns (0% – 35% depending on risk profile)

Our investment process has many benefits, including:

  • Consistent, easy and straightforward communication
  • Helping you to gain an uncomplicated understanding of WHY you hold every investment in your portfolio
  • Ensuring your portfolio delivers long-term returns in order to reach and maintain your goals
  • Allowing you to avoid common investing mistakes when markets are at extreme highs or lows or periods of high volatility
  • Adjusting your strategy as your portfolio grows or your needs changes

We help you to grow and adapt your investment strategy as your wealth grows to ensure you are always on track to achieving your financial goals