Financial Advice for Personal Injury or Illness

Sometimes, life throws unexpected challenges in your way.

These might be a change in your professional circumstances or a sudden personal injury or illness.

Experiencing a serious personal injury is something that can make it seem like all of the plans you had made are now on permanent hold. In fact, in our experience, we’ve found that those who have suffered a personal injury may be struggling with:

Balancing managing their financial world with their personal recovery

Knowing the options that are available to them in terms of compensation

Not having the right professionals to go to for advice on what their next steps should be

Worrying about how a drop in income will affect themselves or their families

Not having clarity on how their injury will affect their financial goals

Figuring out a path forward that is suited to their particular circumstances and financial goals

At Veyron Wealth Group, we understand that when you’re recovering from a serious personal injury, the last thing you need to be doing is spending all your energy on figuring out how to sort out your financial world.

Whether your injury has caused you to be unable to work your current job, resulted in a reduction of work hours or prompted you to change your career path, it can be easy to feel like your financial world is out-of-control with the changes you may be experiencing.

You may have suffered an accident that has prevented you from performing your normal work duties or been recently diagnosed with a mental health condition which requires a complete lifestyle to effectively manage. Or you may have been diagnosed with an ongoing long-term illness that has stopped you from pursuing your everyday activities.

However your life has been interrupted by your personal injury or illness, you don’t have to tackle this challenge alone.

We’re here to help.

At times of intense stress and uncertainty, it’s never been more important than to have the right team of financial professionals at your side to guide you and provide you with support as you tackle what life has thrown your way.

Veyron Wealth Group is that team. In fact, we specialise in helping those who have suffered a personal injury assess their new financial circumstances and design a way for them to get back on track to achieving financial success and security.

We also understand how important it is for you to focus all your energy on recovering from your injury, which is why we’re dedicated to supporting you on this journey in any way we can, from assisting you in any insurance claims you’re able to make to restructuring your budget and reassessing your cash flow to connecting you with the right lawyer to pursue any compensation claims.

After all, our aim is simple: to empower you to achieve financial success and security by providing you with the tools and knowledge you need to make smart financial decisions – no matter your particular financial circumstances.

Dealing with the aftermath of a personal injury isn’t something you have to face on your own.


Common Challenges

After suffering a serious personal injury, it can be hard to know what your next steps should be.

Depending on your particular financial circumstances prior to your injury, there could be a number of aspects of your financial world that require your attention, as well as many pathways moving forward.

However, in our experience previously helping those who have suffered a personal injury, we’ve found a few common challenges include:

While at first a personal injury may make you feel like you’re being forced to start from scratch as your previous financial plans and goals are thrown into disarray, the reality doesn’t have to be as harsh.

With the right expert guidance and support only a phone call or email away, you’ll never have to worry about whether your financial world is being taken care of in a way that prioritises the well-being of you and your family.

In other words, with the Veyron Wealth Group team by your side you won’t have to spend another minute worrying about your financial world and can instead focus on recovering from your injury.

How We Can Help

At Veyron Wealth Group, we believe that your financial world should be as stress-free as possible – especially if you have suffered a personal injury and are beginning your journey to recovery.

That’s why we’re here to work with you to design a financial plan suited to your new personal and financial circumstances and ensure that you’ll be back on track to achieve financial success and security.

Our team of expert financial advisors can help you:

Experiencing a sudden personal injury doesn’t have to mean saying goodbye to the dreams you have for a secure financial future.

With the Veyron Wealth Group team by your side, you’ll be able to rest knowing that your financial world is being taken care of and that you’ll always be on track to achieving the financial future you deserve.

Don’t spend another minute paralysed by the amount of decisions you have to make or worrying about what your next steps should be.